Why You Should Trust The Power of The Universe In Your Business

Why You Should Trust The Power of The Universe In Your BusinessHillary Jeanne Photography | hillaryjeanne.com

Why You Should Trust The Power of The Universe In Your Business

Hillary Jeanne Photography | hillaryjeanne.com

The universe will guide you.

Whether you believe in a god, a higher being, your intuition... when you’re in your path, things happen and sometimes the only explanation is that.

Once I realized I was interested in photography, I had spent months researching and talking to people to figure out what camera was right for me. If you have ever gone through the process of buying your first camera, you know how overwhelming it can be. None of it makes sense yet, you don’t know the technicalities, and there are so many options. 

My biggest hurdle was the thought of buying something and then having it not work for my needs later down the road. Mind you, even though this was my first camera and I was learning from scratch, I knew I was going to be a professional someday and I knew I wanted to get paid for it.

Up until this point, I had always been a very frugal person. I was all about saving money and never made large purchases like this for myself (except for maybe traveling, but never on “things”). But as the saying goes, when you know you know. At the bottom of my heart, I knew photography was my ticket out of my current 9-5 life. I also knew that in order to book work as an assistant or associate shooter, I would need a full-frame professional camera (~$1,000.00) and a lens that fit that body, so a professional lens (~$500+).

After going over and over the pros and cons of each camera and thinking about what to do, my gut was telling me to go for it – even though I was a beginner, buy the camera and lens that I would use as a professional.  So, I went ALL in. I bought the big league camera and a great professional lens, probably dropping about $2K in one day. It was my biggest purchase to date....and little did I know this was just the start to investing in a business and photography (but that’s a blog post for another day).

The minute I decided to go all-in with photography and use my savings to buy a pro-line camera and lens, the universe responded. 

That same week, I had my brand new camera with me while we were out grabbing drinks. The restaurant manager saw me with my camera, so he asked if I could take some photos of their cocktails. They were in a pinch because they had a magazine offer to publish them if they could send a few images by the next morning.

The manager said, “Hey if you can take a few photos and edit them by tomorrow morning, I’ll give you and your friends a few rounds of free drinks”. I agreed and my friends were thrilled.

The next morning I went through each image and spent a significant amount of time editing each one. My boyfriend thought I was nuts and felt like they looked great regardless of all the tiny edits I made. I made sure the gallery was perfect before hitting send.

After sending the images, I patiently waited and a few hours later, the manager wrote me back saying, “these are really good. Do you want to come back and we’ll pay you?” And that’s where it all began.... from that moment on, other restaurants saw my work and started asking for my rates. It was then that I realized I had a business.

If you’re on the fence about going all-in or waiting for the right time, there won’t be. Trust your intuition to lead you and I truly believe the universe will respond.

Where has the universe or going all in helped you in your biz journey?