Are you struggling to find your purpose in the corporate world?

What I Wish Someone Told Me About Leaving My 9-5 Career Behind for My Passion.

What I Wish Someone Told Me About Leaving My 9-5 Career Behind for My Passion.

If you don’t know my story, I’m a corporate drop out that ditched my tech job for creative entrepreneurship. I was 27 years old at the time with a growing career at one of the hottest startups in San Francisco.

Looking back, I used to be afraid of losing “my place” on the corporate ladder. I had spent 5 years of my life building a career in sales and customer success. I was great at working with customers and I had a slew of promotions to show for it, but I wasn’t happy.

Do you ever feel like you know your purpose and you know in your heart that it’s not going to be found in the corporate world? When I realized this, I felt a little stuck.

I had envisioned myself as a corporate rockstar. I wanted to manage teams and work my way up....So I followed that path until I realized I had a burning, nagging feeling that the corporate world wasn’t my purpose and living in purpose was something I had to find and live out.

But there was a caveat. I was scared. I was scared of losing my place on the totem pole that I had long dreamed about. I thought what if I fail and I lose my place on this ladder I built?

Let me tell you what I wish someone told me.

You aren’t losing your place.

You are stepping into your place.

You are STILL building skills for “that totem pole”, you will LEARN more than ever, and become a dynamic individual. 

You may even decide to go back to corporate someday with a whole new skill set.... and guess what? That isn’t failing.

If any of this resonates with you, you are not alone. Don’t let this fear stop you from pursuing your dreams. I promise you won’t regret it.