What You Need to Know About Personal Brand Photography

What you need to know about Personal Brand Photography. What is it and why do you need it?

What is personal brand photography and why is it important?

Have you ever sat down to post on social media, but felt stuck because you didn’t have any images to post that strengthened your message? How about images for your blog posts, website, Facebook page, sales pages, or email newsletters? I’ve been there and so have my clients.

Brand photography is a method to capture an entire library of images for all of your marketing needs. Personal brand photography is when you have a business that relies on you selling yourself. Think realtors, coaches, therapists, nutritionists, online course creators, speakers, copywriters, photographers, and more.

Gone are the days where you can get by on a single headshot. In today’s social media landscape, you need to be able to STAND OUT online. This means telling a story about who you are, what you do, and what makes you unique from everyone else in your industry. 

Brand photography helps you tell that story visually! When somebody stumbles across your website or Instagram, you have a few seconds to catch their attention. What’s the emotion you want your ideal clients to feel? Joy? Warmth? Liberation? Calm? If you’re new to figuring out your brand, understanding the emotions behind your brand and understanding your why, is a great place to start.

Once that’s settled, there are many components that go into creating the story. It’s not just showing up and taking some photos. It’s getting strategic on your location, your outfits, props, and what the images are saying — how can you create these emotions by combining these elements? All of these factors play into getting great images.

Your photography should help set you apart from everyone else in your industry. This is why it’s important to work with someone that’s helping you think BIG. Your photography shouldn’t just speak to who you are now, but where you want to go. YOU, but the future you (someone that’s already working with their dream clients and charging premium prices).

How can you stand out in your industry? By putting on blinders, ignoring what everyone else’s brands look like, and thinking about who YOU are. Ignore the trends, you’re above it. How can you be different? The best brands come from within, not from copying others. Think big and think different!

Professional photography creates trust, but personal brand photography helps you stand out AND connects you with your ideal customers.

Have you worked with a personal brand photographer? Let me know how it went in the comments below!