5 Easy Poses For Your Next Brand Photoshoot!


After lots of planning and preparation, the day of your brand photoshoot is finally here! You’ve just finished hair and makeup and are putting on one of several outfits of the day. You turn on your favorite playlist, the music is blasting, my camera is all set up and we are good to go! Now what? My clients are usually very different when it comes to how comfortable they are with posing in front of a camera. Some of them are 10/10 on a confidence scale, while others may need some time to warm up to the lense. The point is, regardless of how many poses you’re familiar with or how confident you are, you are beautiful! 

Whether you’re new to photography or you’re a pro at photoshoots, I am going to share with you 5 easy poses for your next brand photoshoot!. These never fail to create some of the best and most natural images!

5 Easy Poses For Your Next Brand Photoshoot!


Personal Brand Photography for Women in San Francisco. Hillary Jeanne Photography.

#1. Classic Headshot

Many of my clients use the photos from their brand photoshoots on their websites. Using a headshot, or as I like to call them a hero image, is perfect for incorporating your images to a website or social media profile pictures. All you have to do is face the camera and let that gorgeous face shine! 

Personal Brand Photography for Women in San Francisco. Hillary Jeanne Photography.

#2 Laptop/Microphone Shot

More times than not, my clients use either their laptops or tablets as props during the photoshoot. This is great for any business because these images create an action shot of you “working.” Additionally, lots of my clients are either creating or joining podcasts, so using a podcast microphone is a great way to tell the story of what you’re involved in!

Personal Brand Photography for Women in San Francisco. Hillary Jeanne Photography.

#3 Sitting Down Pose

Sometimes standing still in front of a camera after a while can feel awkward. Who says you can’t take a seat? Sitting in a fun chair or sofa can often make clients feel more relaxed since they don't have to focus so much on how they’re positioning their legs. You can naturally lean your elbow against a knee or lean back for a more relaxed look!

Personal Brand Photography for Women in San Francisco. Hillary Jeanne Photography.

#4 Movement Shot

Sometimes moving for a photo is so much better than simply standing still and smiling at a camera (you don’t want your photoshoot to feel like another school picture day). The point of your day is to have fun while posing for some photos! Dancing to the music, twirling around in a flowy dress or strutting down the street make for some great pictures. Let loose, girl! 

Personal Brand Photography for Women in San Francisco. Hillary Jeanne Photography.

#5 Action Pose

Usually my clients want to incorporate their businesses in their brand photoshoots, which is what it is all about! I’ve worked with many nutritionists and caterers who have had me photograph them whipping up their favorites dishes in the kitchen. This is a perfect example of using what you do to create an action shot. No matter what business you’re in, using props and taking action shots can tell your audience what you can provide for them!

Of course there are plenty more ways to pose when doing a brand photoshoot. These are not only some of my go-to’s but they have made for some amazing photos for my clients. Hope to see you use these at your next brand photoshoot!